
There is very little information on Stip and its treatment. Stip can manifest as blurred brown spots (lesions) on the outer surface of pods. First signs appear on immature green pods and seems to be more prevalent on superhots. These lesions on the pods can be on all pods or just a few pods on a plant (the others being healthy). These spots are very often misdiagnosed as a bacterial or fungal infections. Stip is not pathogen/disease related. The key distinguishing factor being that with Stip there is no signs of infection on the rest of the plant (foliage). If there are signs of infection on the foliage, you are more than likely dealing with a disease and not Stip.
The underlying issues associated with Stip is believed to high temperature, light levels (shade), and nutrient imbalances. In particular mediums with high doses of Nitrogen and/or low levels of Calcium and Potassium.
Stip is more likely to present during temperatures of 30-40ºC, typically in peak summer. Light levels also play a roll in the occurrences of Stip. Typically plants with shade and high levels of Nitrogen were found to be more susceptible to Stip. This presents itself in situations where plants are grown densely together.
Treatment for Stip is the same as for Blossom End Rot. It is recommended to avoid high applications of Nitriogen & Potassium. It is also recommended to avoid overcrowding situations with plants, ensuring light can penetrate between plants.
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